Thursday, May 01, 2008

On To Politics

John F. Harris and Jim Vandehei have written a couple of pretty good pieces describing the current situation between our two loving democratic presidential candidates that I came across earlier while reading Politico.

You can read them here and here.

We got on the topic of the presidential election in my Business Ethics class the other day and my professor said something kind of interesting. He said that despite all of the hoopla over the apparent diversity in American nationalism these days, that this progressively never ending strife between these two deliciously immature candidates will actually cause the gung-ho, get-out-the-vote enthusiasts to remain on their couches and simply refuse to vote come election day.

At the time I disagreed with him, but the more I read the more I am saturated with the parties malcontent. Maybe he's right. Maybe this election belongs to John McCain because the Clintons and the Obamas can't seem to get along with each other, or anyone else they know for that matter.

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