Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What Happens When Patriots Doctor Historical Photos?

They produce this, apparently.

Which is fine. It's a good article. Whether or not you agree or disagree with the actual threat level of global warming, you can still get something out of this well articulated sanctioned piece of subjectivity.

But not everyone it seems is fond of Time's interpretation of the second flag raising to convey just how significant they think the threat of global warming is.

As I listened to this story earlier on Talk of the Nation, three of the four callers were rational and relatively well spoken individuals who had an interesting opinion to convey. The other one, however, sounded like Forrest Gump high. And his sad diatribe about a personal offense that he himself could not understand, was embarrassing and shallow.

It gave me a little start as I listened, and for a moment I felt sorry for the human race. Sometimes I feel that way when I hear certain people speak.

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