Friday, November 17, 2006

David Schraub Does Some Venting Over At The Debate Link

Though speaking from the gut, I am inclined to agree with Schraub and his bottom thirteen article evidence, I have a slight problem.

Yes the GOP reelected Blunt and Boehner as their leadership for the next couple of years; and yes they went ahead and shot themselves in the head by reelecting the conspicuous bigot Trent Lott to the Senate Minority spot, they clearly have problems of their own. They are so far out of sync with the electorate at this point that I might be inclined to say that they have handed the Democrats the election in 2008; except for the fact that I know a little something about the Democrats, too.

My problem is, as Schraub mentions, that his numbers come from the LA Times, which were pointed out by Kos who (a markedly far too liberal liberal who I, with a human stomach, can't bring myself to read) pointed out a markedly liberal paper to boot.

Forgive me if I am a little skeptical when it comes to swallowing the statistics doled out in this article.

If I recall correctly (the link to the article is no longer operative), the LA Times was citing CREW--Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Fun factoid: Of the 13 members they've listed, 7 and potentially 8 will no longer be in Congress come the next session (Frist, Burns, Ney, Pombo, Cunningham, Santorum, Taylor, and possibly Jefferson)!
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