Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Who Dunnit
Washington Post:
I could here point out that this just keeps getting worse and worse for the GOP, but I won't. Instead I would like to emphasize the disgust that is festering amongst the American people concerning Congress, and the Senate as wholes.
How can they expect us to believe that they can run this country when they can't even run a proper investigation on only one of their members? How can they expect us to believe what any of them are saying when in this entire investigation, the one thing that has been missing is somebody coming out and saying "oh yeah, that was me; I did that?"
What has been replacing the truth has been a lot of "no, it didn't happen that way," or "that person's account is inaccurate, believe me." Well sirs, we don't believe you. Period.
Unfortunately what will be lost in this scandal because of it's timing is the overall corruption of both of our houses, and instead will further lend to a bitter loss for the Republicans, of at least one of the houses next month.
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) spent nearly three hours behind closed doors with the House ethics committee yesterday, describing what he knew about then-Rep. Mark Foley's relationships with young male pages and when he knew it.So Foley flirts with boys, Reynolds calls him on it, Hastert has to testify to the ethics committee and all the while there is this he said she said game going on in the background among all the other people involved in this scandal.
I could here point out that this just keeps getting worse and worse for the GOP, but I won't. Instead I would like to emphasize the disgust that is festering amongst the American people concerning Congress, and the Senate as wholes.
How can they expect us to believe that they can run this country when they can't even run a proper investigation on only one of their members? How can they expect us to believe what any of them are saying when in this entire investigation, the one thing that has been missing is somebody coming out and saying "oh yeah, that was me; I did that?"
What has been replacing the truth has been a lot of "no, it didn't happen that way," or "that person's account is inaccurate, believe me." Well sirs, we don't believe you. Period.
Unfortunately what will be lost in this scandal because of it's timing is the overall corruption of both of our houses, and instead will further lend to a bitter loss for the Republicans, of at least one of the houses next month.