Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not Only Do I Not Like It, I Also Don't Buy It

Amba over at Ambivablog is getting a little anxious:
Bigger than 9/11
This is the kind of attack Al-Qaeda is threatening against the US, warning all American Muslims to flee New York and Washington.
Muslims ordered to leave the United States
Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima [ ... ]
Read the whole post for context.

Not only have we heard all of this before, let's be perfectly honest with ourselves here; say al-Quada is able to penetrate our security this time (meaning they will have to take off most of their clothes and leave all of their make-up behind), do we remember what happened last time?
They had box-cutters.

I am not trying to minimize the tragedy of September 11th. I am only trying to point out that through all of the strategic planning and monumental effort it took for these terrorists to pull off a 9/11, we got utility knives. Am I supposed to believe that after five years of peace and security on the homeland that their claims of an American Hiroshima is credible? I imagine that if they do break through our heightened security a second time, which is highly unlikely, they may be packing pellet guns if their technology can withstand such an increased level of evolution.

And dare I say that this time American civilians will not go so quietly into the night. I hardly think that any terrorist with a machete dripping blood from the tip and an m-16 stepping onto a local trolley would jade a hardened American these days. They caught us off guard once, that will not happen again.

So, let them bring their Hiroshima. It will carry the appearance of an intense fourth grade recess brawl that is quickly stomped upon by the impatient teacher. I am tired of seeing United States citizens living in fear of not only these people, but any people. This country is what it is for a reason. We have fought and bled harder than this to be what we are. I think we can fight and bleed again to keep it.

Still, if you see thousands of Muslims leaving Manhattan over the next couple of weeks, you may want to take corrective action.

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