Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More On Reutergate

Justin Gardner at Donklephant has a compare and contrast type post on the photoshopped picture published by Reuters recently. The photographer, Adnan Hajj, who has since been fired for his piss-poor decision making, really botched this one.

The thing that gets me is that when I look at the original vs the doctored, I can't understand why he would have felt it necessary. The original is quite disturbing in its own rite. Why make it a cheap Microsoft attempt at a Bruckheimer style Pearl Harbor?

Have our imaginations really suffered so deeply, to the point that we need some crack-pot adding incredibly fake smoke to an already smoke filled picture; coming from a place where most of us realize by reading the daily news that the Lebanese civilians are perfectly innocent of these grade school shenanigans?

How pitiful.

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