Saturday, July 15, 2006

Finally Stepping Up To The Plate

The Associated Press reports:
The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Saturday condemning North Korea's recent missile tests and demanding that the reclusive communist nation suspend its ballistic missile program. North Korea said it "totally rejects" the resolution and will continue missile launches to bolster its self-defense.

The agreement was reached after a last-minute compromise between Japan, the United States and Britain, who wanted a tough statement, and Russia and China, who favored weaker language.
This is a good move on China and Russia's part. They had come close to irreparable damage over the last week and a half, but now seem to be back on track; good communist countries.

If you don't believe me for whatever ungodly reason, Austin Bay has this:
The resolution demands the Pyongyang cease its ballistic missile testing programs.

Saving face is important in every human group– face is particularly important in North Asia, in social relationships and in diplomacy. The North Korean ballistic missile tantrum cost China a bit of face. That loss of face has just been avenged.
Ultimately it doesn't matter who fine tunes the details of who said what; it really only matters that these countries are finally on board.

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