Friday, July 07, 2006

A Few Presidential Words On North Korea

The Washington Post:
President Bush today questioned whether the word of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il "means anything," but said the United States would stick with diplomatic efforts to rein in the Stalinist state's nuclear weapons and missile testing programs, even though the process can be "slow and cumbersome."
I am heartened by the President's decision to do this diplomatically, particularly because if we were to enter into war with North Korea while still at war in Iraq and with Iran looming on the horizon, it would take something uncomfortably close to an every man, woman and child draft to compete. We cannot afford to do this any other way right now, and I am glad the President recognizes that.

I again would like to reiterate my overwhelming disappointment with Russia and China for showing a complete lack of fortitude. There is no reason these two countries should be backing down to the likes of North Korea, especially when they have allies like the United States and Japan. It makes no tactical sense. What are they afraid of?

The president also mentions in the article that we need an upgrade to our missile defense system; I completely agree. Wait I know, why don't we build 300 miles of top-notch chain link fence to keep them out?

Sorry, couldn't help myself. I do actually agree with the President, our missile defenses could be upgraded and if these "tests" are going to continue, should be upgraded. But in the words of my political science professor, "I'm kidding, I'm just picking on him." Which I heard just a few too many times last semester.

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