Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What We Did Not Yet Wish To Think About

Scott Rosenberg at wonders...

And alas how I hope he is wrong.

I suppose I am from a more optimistic mold, as I have noted before that I don't think that even this administration would lead us into another, far more dangerous war given the state we are in.
I still believe that.
Color me naive, but I think we are relying on diplomacy for the moment not because it is necessarily the humane thing to do, but because it is simply the smarter thing to do. There are those who would disagree, but unless they can offer options outside of diplomacy or military action, then they should perhaps take a seat and let the leaders not lead us into more bloody conflict. What are we to do? Invade? Cause the Iranians to move their enrichment underground where we can no longer monitor it?
That does not seem like such a good idea to me.

Yes diplomacy may buy more time for the terrorists in all their unified terror to think, but we are no slouches. Imagine what the richest, most powerful, and still most technologically advanced nation in the world could do with more time. I am sorry nay-sayers, but diplomacy is the only logical mean to the end that we seek.

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