Friday, June 30, 2006

Ah College Reporting

Just returned from my four day a week before school morning coffee with best friend outing, which was amazing as usual.

There was one thing out of place this morning however, we were asked to do a short interview for the Daily Wildcat. Which is fine, I kind of know what it's like to gather information and write short pieces for a respectable outfit...Ahem.

Anyway, this young lady was doing a piece on paid vacation and how the research is apparently showing that more and more people are letting their vacation expire at the end of the fiscal year, instead of making the mad dash to try and fit it in wherever possible. I couldn't find any of said research (though I didn't really look all that hard) so it could have been research that she herself is conducting and has yet to publish.

Regardless, is this story really worth the time and effort? I guess when you're just a college paper reporter trying to get your feet wet you write what you have to.

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