Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Letter

As I am sure by now you have all heard of the letter that President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad has sent to President Bush.

If you have not had the opportunity to read it, here it is.
And here is a rather poignant interpretation of it by James Lileks.
(Pulled from Instapundit.)
Some individual opinions can be found here, here and here.

The letter is a little lengthy and long winded. Ahmadi-Nejad tends to ramble a little with the style of his writing. His extraneous sentences and his excessive use of the comma are a little reminiscent of another infamous dictator's writing style who, in the spirit of diplomacy shall remain here disclosed.

What I think goes unrealized in the letter is the perceived, albeit crucial difference between Islam and Christianity. I cannot speak for Muslims as I am not a Muslim, but I do have some insight into the Christian perspective, as I used to be one. Christians do not recognize Islam to be in any way equal to Christianity. Though Muslims acknowledge the existence and importance of Christ, they view him as a mere prophet, a messenger for Allah. They do not recognize that he is the Son Of God. The only begotten child of the Almighty Father sent to earth to redeem us of our inequities. Immanuel, who was crucified died and was buried, so that we may be forgiven.

This is the difference between Christianity and a multitude of other religions. I point it out here because in all of Mr. Ahmadi-Nejad's appeal for a global monotheism, I fear he fails to realize that President Bush, as a Christian, will never recognize him as a saved, born again human being. As far as Mr. Bush is concerned, he needs to pray for the soul of this unsaved non-believer, and most other Christians stand right behind him in doing so (at least that is what they think they are doing). So as far as trying to reach our President on a religious platform, forget it.

All of the other things mentioned in the letter were clearly pulled from our daily media coverage. At least that is where I hope Ahmadi-Nejad has gotten all of his information. Because if I am wrong, and his intelligence department procured the numerous items recounted in the letter, then it is a sad day for Iran indeed.

Please, take the time to read the letter.
It is clearly a call for silence. As silence is held very sacred in the eastern parts of the world. Silence until the storm blows over. Silence until the mighty lion retreats back into his cave for some ill begotten slumber. Silence while we (Iran) re-man our forces and continue on with our selfish plans.

At least that is my take on it. Prove me wrong.

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