Monday, May 29, 2006

An Iranian Uproar

It has been an interesting few days in Iran, with protesters aggressively speaking out against Ahmadi-nejad's regime.

Gateway Pundit
has some segway news, as well as the current inside information, as he points out that this whole situation is receiving little western media attention.

Judging what little I know of Ahmadi-nejad, and speaking from what limited exposure I have had to his politics, I will say that I sort of saw something like this coming.
Any fool with a sharp tongue and used car salesman's personality can be a dictator, but it takes a certain level of charisma, even genius if I may be so bold, to make them love you for it.

And I simply have yet to see these traits in Ahmadi-nejad. After reading the letter he wrote to President Bush, this judgment, in my opinion was solidified.

There is one thing that I hold to be true, (and I call it a truth because in all of my studies thus far, I have yet to see it falter) and it is that Man will rule himself to his own end. That has been the case for all whom I have observed that have strived for more and more power. They will fall. It is only a matter of time. The length of time is determined by that particular person's ability "to make them love you." That is what it takes. And that is precisely what I think Mr. Ahmadi-nejad lacks.

I really think that as long as we maintain our diplomacy, then we will be able to just sit in the bleachers and watch this regime crumble beneath itself. There will be no nuclear warfare or any military action necessary at all. It will be like watching American Idol. Gripping for the first five minutes, but generally pointless to be a part of once the realization that one is simply wasting their time sets in.

(Pulled from Instapundit)

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