Thursday, April 20, 2006

Well, At Least He Finally Got There

Apparently President Bush and President Jintao never came to any real meaningful conclusions today as China's leader graced the White House.
But at least he found time to make the appointment right?
I mean after all, I'm sure that everyone had a bit too much cognac at Billy Microsoft's house and I'm sure that what happens with billionaires, stays with billionaires.
I would have had a hard time waking up in time to think about W. and his presidential affairs.
Seriously though, have I mentioned that Mr. Jintao kind of scares me?
Not in an Ahmadinejad sort of way, or a Hitler sort of way;
but more in a Green Jello fashion.
Kind of like there is nothing really wrong with it, and it can actually be pretty good, depending on the day, but there is just something maniacally creepy about it. Like you know you should have chosen a different flavor, but now it's too late.
Sorry for all of that.
But whatever.

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