Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Something We May Want To Be Worrying About

This is a trifle more frightening than most of us may realize upon first glance.
It may be an issue that merits a little more meditation than I fear the American people are currently giving.

They are laughing at us.
Very near all of them.

And I fear we may not understand how to diplomatically quell the situation.
I was listening to Harold Ford Jr. speak the other day. He said some things that I could comfortably climb on board with, and he said some things that made me immediately want to jump ship and swim.

One of the things he said however, struck a cord. He said that you can always go to war; that military action is always an option. Effective speech, on the other hand, is quite a different matter. A much more difficult matter.
I then recalled the words of Benjamin Disreali, "How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct."
How much easier it is to criticize than to talk.
How much easier it is to talk than to listen.
How much easier it is to listen than to wonder.

I wonder, what exactly might happen if we asked ourselves, cui prodest?
Because at the moment it is certainly not us.
So what other way do we have?
Why don't we ask and find out?

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