Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nuclear Green: Your Invited To The Wedding

I wasn't going to post on this, but I have come across it in a couple of different posts and it is nagging at me now.

Justin Gardner has this to say, and it is interesting and well thought as always.

And Michelle over at the Daily Dish has this.

I agree with Justin, and Michelle's father. Nuclear energy is a very good thing. It doesn't cost much and despite the evil connotations the name brings, the material itself is quite benign.
I hope to see future generations relying on it as heavily as our generation relied on oil.
It is after all much more efficient and safe, and I would like to hope that is the direction technology is leading the youngsters these days.

On a lighter side though, there is a shirt I must purchase.
It says "Okay, I give up. It's Nucular"

Anyway, have a 3 mile island for me tonight and get some sleep, you need it.

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