Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thus Ends The Month Of Love

Yet another February gone,
doomed to be filed away with all the rest of the broken Valentine's days and Black History month's that we have all forgotten.
This is the way of things I suppose.
After all, if we didn't forget, then how would we be able to enjoy the current moment that we are soon to file away with all of the other forgotten memories.
I read this earlier, and I am darkened to say that I was in no way moved or inspired by it.
There was one thing said however, that made that apathetic ring in between my ears that we sometimes hear when something quite obvious was said, but somehow we had previously missed it.
And it was this:

When Ryan was injured, he was in the 3rd grade. I wanted time to stop in some sort of magic fashion, so that he could get better and return to the 3rd grade. But his classmates moved on to the 4th, and 5th, and 6th, and 7th, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I mention this because nobody really talks about it.

You never really want it to.
Time to march on I mean.
You drink and you cry and you shop, but tomorrow comes regardless.
without regard or remorse.
When is my next math test? When is the deadline for the letter I must write to my senator?
When will life stop?
And what... If anything, will I do when it does?

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