Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Good Read

I am reading like 13 books at the same time (ok so it's more like 3), and I try and make it a point not to do that;
and I feel like given the things I typically read, I should devote the time and energy that such great works deserve.

But I am on spring break and I am trying to fit in all of the fun side reading possible.
Anyway, I am a little more than halfway through An Army Of Davids, by Glenn Reynolds.
I have to say, it is quite inspiring.

Glenn consistently gives detailed and proven examples throughout the text that really make you sit back and say, yeah; this technological revolution that I more often than not take for granted really does give me the power to rebel. And to rebel in the most sophisticated manner.

I have not completed it yet, so a full review is still to come. But unless Glenn really screws up in the second half of the book, I think it will be thumbs all around.

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