Friday, January 27, 2006

More Alito Fun

I love this post by wonkette.
Articulated here are a healthy chunk of my frustrations with the democratic party on the Sam Alito nomination. Just read the email that was received by Kerry and his cohorts as they try and filibuster Alito's confirmation.
All of the liberal propaganda that I have read on the issue has overtly implied that Alito is an extreme and radical ideologist who will do nothing if not push his political agenda on all the hot issues that have mattered to Americans for the last thirty years.
I watched every minute of those hearings, all week long.
I ate and smoked and went to the bathroom only when Arlen Specter said I could.
And as a moderate leaning a little to the right, I never got the impression that I and my civil rights had something to fear because of Alito's radicalism.
I am sure I have said this before, but he answered all four questions that he was asked over a week long hearing process very consistently and like any sound, reasoned, rational judge would.
And I think it is a long hard stretch to come up with some of the ball-brained things that are being said about Alito.

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