Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Here We Go Again

Here is another Intelligent design issue, this time in the west.

I think that ID can be taught in public schools as long as it is not taught in any science class, or as any theory of scientific thought or as a finding of scientific observation; basically under any structure that would oppose science.

Teach it as a history or mythology, in all of it's imaginative splendor, while never calling into question Darwin or any of his theories, which are scientific in that they are tried and for the most part true; and whether any of them may be called into question or not is irrelevant because the only thing that concerns us here is that science would never say that we don't understand it, so it must have been made by someone or something that we can never comprehend. Science would say that we don't understand so we are going to explore and test forever until we do, and if we never do then we will simply never know. Science would never give a leg to the supernatural.

That is the difference between ID and science, and should be taught completely separately as such.

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