Saturday, December 10, 2005

Unhand Him

I listened to this story earlier on NPR and it made me sick to my stomach. I have a million things to say about this issue, and I promise I will... but for now because I have to be up far too early to go into it, I am going to say this; It's a personal card. I am so tired of the American public thinking that they have every right to the Presidents' personal life that they can just cast their judgements and have their public opinion affect what the President wants to do or say with undisputable personal matters. There are some things that the Bush admistration does that I agree with, and there are some things that I disagree with. All of these things are political. I have no right to tell the man how to vote, or sing or cry or love. I have no right to oppress the President implying that he can say one thing and not another, just as he has no right to prohibit me. You all seem to forget that the President is a citizen of the United States, that grants him the first amendment in all of it's glory. So whether you, or you, or you like it or not, he can do whatever he pleases with his Holiday Cards, because they are his Holiday Cards. Leave the man alone.

You have got to be fucking kidding me? People are upset because we're not all Christian? I thought that this country stood for freedom of religion? What ever happened to the separation of church and state? Was this all some fantasy that they dreamed up and taught us in school. That in all reality none of that really exists? That we're no better than the Islamic people that want to kill us for our way of life and our religion? Maybe I'm taking it too far. But I think the best thing that this country has to offer is the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. But maybe my life is nothing but a fantasy anymore.
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